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    Article summary

    The Text navigation item contains fields and operators that you can use to configure text elements.

    • My text: Element for creating texts. My text is used for the following applications:

      • Display of fixed predefined texts on the result page

      • Naming of user-defined fields, for example when creating global fields

    • join-text: Operator that joins different texts together.

    • transform-to-text: Enables the conversion of non-text fields into text form (string)

    Example: Linking text and answer from the questionnaire

    In the following example, the platform creates a global field with the name Color (= "Farbe"). This field contains the text You paint on and the answer text from the question On which surface should the paint be applied?

    1. Click on Post Processor in the right-hand navigation and drag the add global field element into the workspace.

    2. Under Type in name, add the name of the field (example: color).

    3. Switch to Text in the navigation and drag My text into add global field. Type You paint on (= "Sie streichen auf") into the field.

    4. Under the item Post Processor, drag the element get-question-value below the text field.

    5. Under Fields, drag the Select a question element directly next to get-question-value and select the question in the dropdown whose answers are to be displayed in combination with the text element. (Example: On which surface should the color be applied?)

    6. Switch to Result Page in the left-hand workbench navigation and add the Paragraph section under Top Sections.

    7. Type {{custom.color}} in the Paragraph field.

    8. Result: After selecting the answer wood, the text You are painting on wood appears on the result page.

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