Configure and edit rules
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    Configure and edit rules

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    Article summary

    Open the rule editor

    To open the editor, click on Manage on the right. This will take you out of the list view and you can then edit the selected rule.

    💡 No result without using the rule editor

    It is not enough to create a rule by clicking on +Add new rule, you have to configure it completely. Otherwise the rule remains empty and has no influence on the selector.

    Set rule trigger

    Before you configure a rule, select the trigger. This defines whether the platform always executes a rule (always) or whether one or more conditions must be fulfilled (depending on a condition).

    1. Click on the drop-down menu next to The following rule is triggered.

    2. Choose either always or depending on the rule condition.

    Set conditions

    With conditions you define the requirements under which the platform executes the rule.

    For instance, you can precisely control that a calculation only takes place when the selector user chooses a certain answer in the questionnaire. Conversely, if the user does not select the answer, the platform will not carry out the calculation.

    1. Click on Condition to customize the title. Choose a clear description so that you can quickly understand the configuration later on.

    1. Select the desired condition under Select a condition.

    You can choose from a range of different conditions. Find out more in the related article.

    Set multiple conditions

    You can define several conditions per rule.

    In this way you can control, for example, that a calculation takes place if the selector user chooses several answers.

    You can also check whether at least one of the conditions is fulfilled (OR relation) or whether all of them must be fulfilled (AND relation).

    At least one condition fulfilled (OR relation)

    1. Click on +Add a condition.

    1. Under Select a condition, choose the desired condition.

    2. Select the option Any of the following is true.

    1. Add any number of conditions by repeatedly clicking +Add a condition.

    All conditions fulfilled (AND relation)

    1. Click on +Add a condition.

    1. Under Select a condition, choose the desired condition.

    2. Select the option All of the following is true.

    1. Add any number of conditions by repeatedly clicking +Add a condition.

    💡 Create complex conditions using AND-OR combinations

    AND and OR relations can be combined with each other. This allows you to create nested conditions and configure your individual business logic in no time. The combination options are flexible. Below you can see two examples.

    AND-OR combinations: A and (B or C)

    The condition is fulfilled if

    • conditions A and B apply or

    • conditions A and C apply.


    1. Select the option depending on a condition as rule trigger.

    1. Click on +Add a condition > Add a condition group.

    1. In the newly created condition group, click on +Add a condition > Add a condition.

    1. In the dropdown of the first condition group, select the option All of the following is true.

    1. In the dropdown of the second condition group, select the option Any of the following is true.

    1. Select the desired condition for each condition by clicking on Select a condition.

    AND-OR combinations: (A or B) and (C or D)

    The condition is fulfilled if

    • conditions A and C apply or

    • conditions A and D apply or

    • conditions B and C apply or

    • conditions B and D apply.


    1. Select the option depending on a condition as rule trigger.

    1. Click on +Add a condition > Add a condition group to create the first condition group.

    1. Within the first condition group, click on +Add a condition > Add a condition.

    1. Click on +Add a condition > Add a condition group in the outer field to create the second condition group.

    1. Within the second condition group, click on +Add a condition > Add a condition.

    1. Delete the top single condition.

    1. Select the option All of the following is true in the outer dropdown and Any of the following is true in the two inner dropdowns.

    1. Under Select a condition, choose the desired option for each condition.

    Set an action

    Actions are operations that the platform performs. This includes calculations and the generation of dynamic text fields.

    If one or more conditions precede, you can define two actions: one in case the condition applies (if yes) and one in case it does not (if no).

    💡The action for "if no" is optional

    If nothing else should happen if the condition is not met, you can leave the action for if no untouched.

    Set a simple action

    A simple action is for example a calculation or a generated text field.

    1. Click on Action to customize the title. Choose a clear description so that you can easily understand the configuration later on.

    1. Click on Select an action and select the desired action.

    Set a conditional action

    A conditional action is an action linked to another condition. This creates further layers of conditions.

    1. Click on +Add new action > Add a conditional action.

    The result is a simple action and a conditional action:

    1. Delete the simple action by clicking on the three-dot menu > Delete.

    2. Configure the conditional action by first selecting the condition and then the action.

    Copy, cut, paste and delete conditions and actions

    You can edit elements of each level. This allows you to control which condition group or action you want to adjust.

    Copy and paste conditions / actions

    1. Click on the three-dot menu of the element you want to copy.

    1. Click on Copy.

    2. Click on +Add a condition or +Add new action and select the Paste option.

    ⚠️ Conditions can only be inserted in the Conditions block and actions can only be inserted in the Actions block.

    Cut and paste conditions / actions

    1. Click on the three-dot menu of the element you want to cut.

    1. Click on Cut.

    2. Click on +Add a condition or +Add new action and select the Paste option.

    Delete conditions / actions

    1. Click on the three-dot menu of the element you want to delete.

    1. Click on Delete.

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