Create and configure questions and branches
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    Create and configure questions and branches

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    Article summary

    Click on the button NEW PAGE in the questionnaire menu item to add a new level to the question tree. Then configure the fields according to your requirements. Further information on the use of images and icons can be found at the end of this article. You can also find out where the workbench configurations are mapped in the selector further down in this article.

    Page - Configure question page

    • Icon URL: Add an icon URL (not mandatory).

    • Page Title (Topic): Set the title of the page.

    • Page Subtitle: Define the subheading of the page.

    • Page Explanation: Add an explanation to the page.

    • Info icon URL: With a stored info icon URL, the info icon is displayed next to the question in the selector.

    • Info text: Information text that is displayed when the user clicks on the info icon and an info icon URL is configured.

    • Page URL: The URL ending of the page is automatically filled in consecutively when a new question is created. You can customize the ending with text/numbers.

    • Only one choice: If several questions (choices) are created per page, Only one choice can be used to select that only one of the questions can be answered.

    • Operator for conditions: Conditions can function as or-linked (OR) or and-linked (AND).

    • Conditions: Use conditions to specify after which previously clicked answers this question should be displayed. Further details on cConditions can be found in the following section.

    Conditions - Configure branches in the question tree

    You can use conditions to configure branches in the questionnaire. The question then only appears if the selector user selects one or more defined answers. The questionnaire is therefore not a straight line, but contains forks. This allows you to create a customized questionnaire for your users that displays different questions depending on their requirements.

    Set simple branching: One answer selected

    The following instructions show you how to set a question depending on an answer. This means that the question only appears afterwards if the selector user selects the defined answer (condition) beforehand.

    1. Open the question that should appear conditionally.

    2. Click on Manage in the left-hand menu next to conditions.

    1. Select the answer in the pop-up and confirm with Accept.

    Result: The question only appears if the user selects the defined answer in the selector.

    Set complex branching: At least one answer selected (OR operator)

    The following instructions show you how to set a question depending on several answers. The question only appears if the selector user selects at least one of the defined answers (conditions) beforehand.

    1. Open the question that should appear conditionally.

    2. Click on Manage in the left-hand menu next to conditions.

    1. Select the answers in the pop-up and confirm with Accept.

    2. Select the OR option under Operator for conditions.

    Result: The question only appears if the user selects at least one of the defined answers in the selector.

    Set complex branching: All answers selected (AND operator)

    The following instructions show you how to set a question depending on several answers. The question only appears if the selector user selects all the defined answers (conditions) beforehand.

    1. Open the question that should appear conditionally.

    2. Click in the left-hand menu next to conditions click on Manage.

    1. Select the answers in the pop-up and confirm with Accept.

    2. Under Operator for conditions, select the AND option.

    Result: The question only appears if the user selects all defined answers in the selector.

    Choice & Answers - Set questions and answers

    With Choice and Answer you define the question and answer options. You can create one or any number of questions (choices) with any number of answers on a page or question level.

    • Arrows: Navigation through the question levels.

    • Trash can at the top: Delete the entire question page.

    • Trash can at the bottom: Delete the individual question (Choice).

    • Type: Various question types with different input types are available, which are described in more detail below.

      • ButtonsSimple buttons for selecting an answer option, variants with and without images possible.

      • RangeInput field for a defined number range.

      • Checkboxes: Checkboxes with and without images to select one or more answer options. Multiple-choice questions are only possible with the question type checkbox and can be linked with AND or OR. In contrast to the question types Buttons and Cards, here the user has the option of deselecting an answer that has already been given.

        • Answers are: Answers to a question can be in an AND related or OR related relationship. This is relevant for the multiple selection of checkboxes.

          • AND related: With an AND link, the products are recommended or not recommended based on the combination of the selected answers. The selected answers are calculated together in the recommendation logic in a similar way to consecutively answered questions.

          • OR related: With an OR link, all given answers are calculated individually with the logic, resulting in several question tree paths.

        • Checkboxes without images: After selecting the question type Checkboxes, the option Checkbox Type Question without Images can be set under Templates. The checkboxes displayed in the questionnaire do not contain any images.

      • CardsButtons with images and text fields for additional explanations.

      • Text FieldsInput field for texts with up to 600 characters.

      • SliderSlider for setting a value within a defined value range.

      • DropdownAnswers as dropdown menu.

      • Double Switch: Single switch for YES/NO answers.

      • Number FieldsInput field for numbers.

    • Template: Templates for selecting different design variants of the question types. For the question type Buttons, for example, an image or a color circle can be added to the standard button using a template.

    • Required: Set question optional (skip button appears) or mandatory.

    • Question Title: Define the title of the question.

    • Question Explanation: Specify further information for completing the question.

    • Add Answer: Add the answers. Depending on the selected question type and template, the fields are named differently and can contain image URLs (Image URL) and additional explanatory texts (Supporting Text).

    • Add Choice: Add another question to the page. The questions can be set independently of each other as required, changed in their position using the arrow or restricted using Only one choice.

    Overview of questionnaire configuration: Workbench link & Selector



    Checklist for the procedure: Add or adjust questions after the fact

    If you want to add another question later, follow the steps below:

    1. Click on New page to create a question or customize an existing question

    2. Configure matrix or filter

    3. Test the results

    Images and icons in the questionnaire

    • Images should have a resolution of at least 72dpi, as this is the optimum size in the web area and thus avoids long loading times.

    • Various formats are suitable for this. JPEG files are suitable for normal images. For graphics, PNG files with a transparent background should be selected to prevent unnecessary borders.

    • Vector graphics are generally recommended for icons, but any format is possible.

    • Images for questions should be of the same format, our recommendation is to work with square images. The dimensions should not exceed 500×500 with a maximum size of 500kB.

    • It is currently not possible to load images directly into the workbench. Instead, any images from publicly accessible servers can be stored as URLs. Please note that you are responsible for obtaining the necessary licenses for image use.

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