Recommendation Logic
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    Recommendation Logic

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    Article summary

    The core of the FoxBase platform is the recommendation logic. By configuring the recommendation logic, you can ensure that the right products are recommended to the user on the results page. In a sense, the logic is the brain of your selector: without it, the answers in your questionnaire are not linked to the product data. Recommendation logic is therefore indispensable for optimized product advice.

    💡 Marketing and research questions

    You must define a logic for each answer option that influences the result or recommendation. However, there are exceptions: Questions that are asked for marketing purposes, for example, do not require any recommendation logic, as these do not influence the result. This includes questions about the age or interests of users.

    Overview of the recommendation logics

    Depending on which basic principle applies to your selector, you can use different types of recommendation logic:

    Basic principle

    Recommendation logic


    Matrix and / or filter logic


    Matrix and / or filter logic, often in combination with sort groups for categorisation


    Individually programmed calculation logic in the Post Processor or, on a smaller scale, the self-configurable item list

    Determine the right logic

    The logic that best suits your selector depends on the respective use case and the desired recommendation. During onboarding, the CSM team will help you determine the right logic.

    In principle, the following guidelines apply:

    • For particularly long questionnaires and / or a larger number of products, the use of filters generally makes more sense.

    • Filters exclude unsuitable products and lead to 100% suitable recommendations. With the matrix , on the other hand, less suitable products can still be displayed as an option by entering smaller numerical values.

    • The item list is recommended if, depending on the user input, a specific quantity per product is to be calculated and displayed by addition or multiplication.

    • As soon as calculations are required, you need the Expression Builder. This is usually combined with the matrix or the filters . This allows you to filter the recommendations and calculate quantities, areas, etc. at the same time.

    Special case: Apply calculations and show user details on the result page

    As soon as an individual calculation is required for the recommendation, it is a calculation. For this we use the so-called Expression Builder , a component of the Digitizer in the menu item Algorithm.

    The Expression Builder allows both simple and complex calculations to be stored and, in contrast to the item list, enables a more flexible configuration of the results page. Nested if-then logic can also be integrated.

    It is also possible to display user details from the questionnaire on the results page. This is the case, for example, if you provide your users with a free text field in the questionnaire and want the content stored there to be mirrored on the results page.

    In most cases, Expression Builder is a supplement to the recommendation logic. This means that you also configure the matrix or filter at the same time.

    💡 FoxBase supports you with your calculation logic

    Does your use case require the implementation of a calculation logic? In the workshop, the FoxBase CSM team will help you to determine which implementation is best for you.

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