Staging and live environment
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    Staging and live environment

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    Article summary

    What is the staging environment and how does it work?

    Changes to the selector are not made directly in the live environment, but in the test environment (staging).

    It is possible to prepare and save all changes in the workbench before they are finally transferred to the live system.

    In this way, adjustments can be tested first, while the live selector remains visible to customers on the website.

    Here is an overview of the most important functions:

    • Live switch: To edit the selector, the live switch in the top left-hand corner must be switched off. No changes can be made in the live environment.

    • Live and staging run in parallel: As a workbench user, you can see both the original settings in the workbench (live switch on) and the current change status in the staging environment (live switch off).

    • Saving changes in Staging: Changes must still be saved regularly and are visible to all logged-in users in the workbench.

    • Internal testing: The selector URL of the staging environment is different from that of the live environment and can therefore also be sent for internal agreements and test rounds.

    • Reset the staging environment to the live status: By clicking on Reset, you irrevocably reset the staging environment to the status of the live environment.

    • Transfer changes from staging to live: To transfer the changes to the live selector, click on Publish. The changes are then integrated and updated on the website for all to see.

    • Important note: After creating a new selector, it should be published immediately so that a live version is created by the system.

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